“Lost and Found” (the second installment of the Short Tales series launched with “Writer’s Block“) is published in ebook format by Select Stories. The story is an affectionate look at a few of the pitfalls and mishaps faced by Jane and Martin, a couple navigating a new romance. Both have past histories: love, loss and unforeseen changes, but through everything, they’ve been bolstered by their dog and cat, companions as devoted to each other as they are to their people. The appearance of a vindictive ex serves to catapult the two-legged protagonists into action, spurred on by an unexpected development.
Title: Lost and Found: A Short Tale of Dogged Determination
Author: M.P. Witwer
Length: Approximately 2,300 words
Available at Amazon.com Kindle Store (as well as all international Amazon sites) and for free at Barnes & Noble Nook Books, Kobo, iBooks and Smashwords, and with subscription at Scribd.